
It’s not a dessert, it’s a ENTREE…
Think of a Calzone or a large Empanada but filled with yummy ingredients from different countries and cultures.
Cornish pasty pies started with the miners in Cornwall England. It had the the braided edge crust so they could hold the crust, enjoy their pie and than toss the crust into the mine. This way the dirt and harmful mining toxins from their miners hands never touched their meal.
Eventually they took their mining skills around the world and brought their tasty pie concept with them. Naturally the locals of each country would alter the pie to contain their own local ingredients.
We bring this world wide mining adventure to Main Street Placervile which is one of the locations the cornish came to with their pies due to our rich GOLD MINES.
We hand make the ingredients from scratch and serve it up warm and yummy to eat right away OR take some to cook later at home!
Support local, hand made, healthy and tasty food that feels like your traveling the world miners style!!